SPiN Still Serving!

Executive Director Michele Chapman provided this graphic showing average meals served per day in each month dating back to January 2019. Measuring average served per day allows for the changes in how many days we served meals over that time.

Stats show meals served per day — on the days we were serving.

Here’s a quick timeline, for reference:

For nearly all of 2019 (through mid-December), we served dinner three days a week at our location on Bayshore Drive;

…then, just before Christmas 2019, we moved out of that space after we lost our lease;

     …in early 2020, we served dinners three days a week at St. Stephen’s Episcopal and at Church on the Rock;

         …in March 2020, COVID-19 put us outside, serving lunches just a couple days a week at Flintstone Park;

          …by August 2020, the amazing support of local churches allowed us to serve lunch seven days a week;

     …in early 2021, just a few months ago, we moved into our current space at St. Stephen’s;

…and all this has been enabled by you, our supporters in the Whidbey community.

Thank you for making our island a better place!