SPiN still needs you

by Tom Saunders, SPiN Board member

SPiN Cafe 2021 is a success story in rebranding and building a successful organization which has gained the trust and support from local government agencies, businesses and many individuals on Whidbey Island.

We are proud to say that the issues we faced in 2019 are long gone and we are a proud organization of 5 individuals on payroll together with over 30 volunteers, an Executive Director and a volunteer Board of Directors who are all committed to our mission. 

SPiN Cafe 2021 enhanced our service offering to include a Day Shelter operating at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church 5 days per week as we continue our 7 day per week Sack Meal Program and our free laundry service that has served over 400 individuals this year alone. The annual budget to support these programs is just under $150,000 broken down as follows:

  • Wages – Sack Meals: 0%   (Operated by 100% volunteers)
  • Wages – Day Shelter: 69% (Requires one person for each shift)
  • Food: 10% (The majority of all ingredients are donated)
  • Promotion: 6%   (Primarily grant writing and newsletters)
  • Laundry: 4%
  • Utilities: 3%   (St. Stephen’s utility expense, no rent is charged)
  • Other: 8%   (insurance, phone, storage, equipment, etc.)

Through July 2021, SPiN Cafe has received a total of nearly $60,000 in donations from individuals and grants, about 42% of our annual revenue budget with only 4 months remaining in the year. 

To date we have received grants of $22,500 from 4 organizations, with 7 proposals submitted for grants and another 4 proposals are in process for submission. Our efforts are relentless, but  unfortunately we have found that there are fewer grants available for organizations like ourselves who provide food and shelter for the homeless and those less fortunate in our community. 

As a result, SPiN Cafe must rely on the generosity of individual donors. We kindly ask all of you who agree with our mission to pray and ask for guidance on how you may assist SPiN Cafe in your monthly donations. Our donor list contains over 250 persons who have supported SPiN Cafe over the years although not all donate on a regular basis and we could use your ongoing financial assistance.

Thank you!