First quarter service report        

Welcome to Spring!

2022 got off to a frigid start in Oak Harbor, but SPiN was able to step up and offer round-the-clock shelter for two weeks courtesy of our hosts at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church. For more on that story, take a look here:

In the first four months of 2022, SPiN provided 2,442 lunches – at St. Stephen’s during the week and at Hal Ramaley Park on weekends – and served on all 120 days in those months, for an average a little over 20 meals a day.

In those same four months, the SPiN day shelter was open 88 days and welcomed 2,091 guests, averaging around 24 visits a day.

The first week of March saw SPiN restart the dinner program, with 667 dinners served on 27 days of service through the end of April. That’s an average of about 24 dinners each evening we served during the first two months of dinners.

None of this could happen without you, our supporters, continuing to help us. Thank you, and we hope we can count on you in the future.

For a fun evening celebrating and raising funds for SPiN, please join us at the Spring Fling. Click right here for details and tickets.

Detailed monthly report is below.

January 2022
621 lunches 31 days = 20/day
534 day shelter visits 25 days = 21/day

558 lunches 28 days = 20/day
480 day shelter visits 20 days = 24/day

661 lunches 31 days = 21/day
366 dinners 15 days = 24/day
578 day shelter visits 22 days = 27/day

602 lunches 30 days = 20/day
301 dinners 12 days = 25/day
499 day shelter visits 21 days = 24/day

SPiN sack lunches started over two years ago and are still served seven days a week to all who are hungry.