More churches on board to provide SPiN sack meals

SPiN Cafe is overjoyed to announce that Living Word Church of Oak Harbor has chosen to team with us in our sack meal program. Thanks to Living Word’s support and partnership, we will now be able to add Mondays to our meal service at Flintstone Park.

In addition, strong networking among our local faith community has brought enough support from members of Oak Harbor Presbyterian Church to cover meals on alternating Fridays. 

SPiN Board member Tom Saunders serves a hungry guest, with proper social distancing.

This makes 4 days a week, plus every other Friday, that meals will be provided to those most vulnerable in our community! This fabulous news represents a wonderful and valuable addition to SPiN Cafe’s efforts alongside the three churches already committed to the program: St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Church on the Rock, and Christian Reformed Church.

Serving on these additional days shortens the gap in our meal program, in which our vulnerable neighbors have, until now, struggled to find a meal between  Thursdays and Tuesdays. We continue to serve nearly two dozen people at 12:30PM in front of Flintstone Park on Bayshore Drive.

With onoing  support from our citizens, in particular our wonderful faith community in Oak Harbor, we look forward to the ability to extend meal service to seven days a week. Thank you all for your donations, your prayers, and your tireless devotion to SPiN’s mission!

Support SPiN’s efforts financially and donate today. Thank you!