SPiN’s service stats for 2021 reflect the uncertainty of the world we’ve been in since early 2020 when SPiN was hit with the double blow of looking for a home and serving guests in a pandemic. But we’re still here!
Graphics provided by SPiN board member Tom Saunders. Thanks Tom!
Comparing numbers for SPiN’s day shelter means leaving 2020 out of the picture, since there was no day shelter from December 2019 until St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church opened their doors to us a year ago. The space at the church has seen consistent guest numbers around 20 per day. As always, some stay all day, and some just come to rest a few hours and move on.
Sack lunch service continues, started in January 2020 and now supported by eight local churches. We serve outdoors on Bayshore Drive on weekends and at SPiN inside St. Stephens from Monday through Friday. Staff and volunteers continue to report how grateful our guests are. For many, as reported here before, a simple sandwich is a lifeline, and the kindness that delivers it is a little touch of dignity in a pretty harsh world.
Speaking of dignity… a shower and clean clothes can make a huge difference for people who are struggling. We have restarted shower services at John Vanderzicht Pool, and our laundry services are growing. Since a need for laundry service was the seed that birthed us in the mind of founder Vivian Rogers Decker, and laundry was the first meaning behind SPiN’S name, it’s great to see the record numbers of guests using the program in 2021. Thanks to all who support this crucial part of what we do for our neighbors!
Here’s where you come in, and the graph doesn’t need a lot of explanation. Expenses exceeded revenues by 30-some thousand dollars in 2021, and we need to make up that gap. You can help us change that right now, and we do need your assistance right now. Just click here to go to spincafe.org and make your tax deductible donation. Every dollar helps.
Thank you for reading and for your ongoing support!